Course curriculum

  • 01

    Course Introduction: Welcome

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  • 02

    Course Introduction: My Passion for Working Well

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    • My Passion for Working Well
  • 03

    Course Introduction: My Inspiration for Working Well

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    • My Inspiration for Working Well
  • 04

    Course Introduction: Focusing on Self-care

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    • Focusing on Self-care
  • 05

    Course Introduction: How to Succeed at Change

    Show Content
    • How to Succeed at Change
    • Handout: How to Succeed at Change
  • 06

    Course Introduction: A Five Degree Turn

    Show Content
    • A Five Degree Turn
    • Worksheet: Your Five Degree Turn
  • 07

    Week 1: Starting Your Day in a Positive State

    Show Content
    • Starting Your Day in a Positive State
    • Worksheet: Starting Your Day in a Positive State
  • 08

    Week 1: Changing Habits

    Show Content
    • Changing Habits
    • Worksheet: Replacing Your Morning Habits
  • 09

    Week 1: Expressing Gratitude

    Show Content
    • Expressing Gratitude
    • Worksheet: Gratitude
  • 10

    Week 1: Mindset Strategies to respond differently to stress

    Show Content
    • Mindset Strategies to respond differently to stress
    • Worksheet: Changing Your Mindset and Response to Stress
  • 11

    Week 1: Using Mindfulness to combat stress

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    • Using Mindfulness to combat stress
  • 12

    Week 1: Box breathing

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    • Box breathing
  • 13

    Week 1 Summary - Take Action!

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    • Week 1 Summary - Take Action!
    • Action Items and Questions For Your Accountability Partner
  • 14

    Week 2: Reconnect and Overview

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    • Reconnect and Overview
  • 15

    Week 2: Taking Personal Responsibility

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    • Taking Personal Responsibility
  • 16

    Week 2: Using the Personal Responsibility Questions

    Show Content
    • Using the Personal Responsibility Questions
    • Worksheet: Using the Personal Responsibility Questions
  • 17

    Week 2: Now it's time to take action

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    • Now it's your turn...take action
  • 18

    Week 2: Feedback Conversations

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    • Why We Avoid Difficult Conversations
    • Tips for Having Difficult Conversations
    • Using the AIID Feedback Model
    • Handout: The AIID Feedback Model
    • Worksheet: Preparing For Feedback Conversations
    • The Value of Positive Feedback
    • Worksheet: Being Intentional About Delivering Positive Feedback
  • 19

    Week 2 Summary - Take Action!

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    • Week 2 Summary - Take Action!
    • Worksheet: Action Steps and Accountability Partner Questions
  • 20

    Week 3: Reconnect and Overview

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    • Reconnect and Overview
  • 21

    Week 3: Identifying beliefs

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    • Identifying beliefs
  • 22

    Week 3: The Five Whys

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    • The Five Whys
    • Building and Celebrating Your New Beliefs
    • Worksheet: Replacing your beliefs using the five why's
  • 23

    Week 3: Reinforcing Your Replacement Beliefs

    Show Content
    • Reinforcing Your Replacement Beliefs
    • Worksheet: Reinforcing Your New Beliefs
  • 24

    Week 3: Being mindful of your beliefs

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    • Being mindful of your beliefs
  • 25

    Week 3: Our Beliefs About Others

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    • Our Beliefs About Others
    • Worksheet: Our Beliefs About Others
  • 26

    Week 3 Summary - Take Action!

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    • Week 3 Summary - Take Action!
    • Week 3 Action Items and Accountability Partner Questions
  • 27

    Week 4: Reconnect and Overview

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    • Reconnect and Overview
  • 28

    Week 4: Productivity Hacks

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    • Productivity Hacks
    • Strategies To Increase Your Productivity
  • 29

    Week 4: Identifying Priorities

    Show Content
    • Identifying Priorities
    • Worksheet: Identifying Your Priorities
    • Worksheet: Identifying Daily Priorities
  • 30

    Week 4: Multi-tasking, distractions and interruptions

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    • Multi-tasking, distractions and interruptions
  • 31

    Week 4 Summary - Take Action!

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    • Week 4 Summary - Take Action!
    • Action Steps and Accountability Partner Questions
  • 32

    Please Share Your Feedback

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    • Before you go...please give us some feedback
    • Excellent Resources For You