Course curriculum

  • 01

    Introduction to Communicating Effectively

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    • Meet Stephanie
    • Meet Dave
    • Communicating Effectively Course Introduction
  • 02

    Ways Good Communication Strengthen Relationships

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    • Ways Good Communication Strengthens Relationships
  • 03

    Ways to Strengthen Your Communication

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    • Ways to Strengthen Communication
  • 04

    Becoming a Better Listener

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    • Types of Poor Listeners
    • Being a Better Listener
    • Worksheet: Improving Your Listening Skills
  • 05

    Tips for Having Difficult Conversations

    Show Content
    • Why We Avoid Difficult Conversations
    • Tips for Having Difficult Conversations
    • Rob's Strategies for Having Difficult Conversations
    • Harpinder's Strategies for Having Difficult Conversations
    • Worksheet: Having Difficult Conversations
    • Managing Your Stress in the Moment
  • 06

    Giving feedback

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    • The Importance of Feedback
    • Think of feedback as a gift
    • Using the Feedback Model
    • Handout: The AIID Feedback Model
    • The Value of Positive Feedback
    • Worksheet: Being Intentional About Delivering Positive Feedback
  • 07

    Your Feedback Mission

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    • Your Feedback Mission
    • Worksheet: Preparing For Feedback Conversations
  • 08

    Non-verbal Communication & Body Language

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    • Non-verbal Communication & Body Language
    • Go Slow to Go Fast
  • 09

    Assertive Communication Model

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    • Assertive Communication Model
    • Using the Assertive Communication Model
    • Worksheet: Using the Assertive Communication Model
  • 10

    Communicating Effectively Course Summary

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    • Have Courage
    • Communicating Effectively Course Wrap-up
    • Before you go...please give us some feedback